About Leahey Life Coaching Services



Leahey Life Coaching Services began in Santa Monica, California in 2007.

During the week people are seen from many walks of life.  Educators, medical personnel, salespeople, artists, attorneys, business owners, home builders, writers and many others have benefited from Leahey Life Coaching Services.

The staff is professionally trained and have experience in both public and private service. 

​​The people who seem to benefit from Leahey Life Coaching Services are those who:
 A. Have an interest in self-awareness
 B. Are open-minded to new and creative experiences
 C. Are reaching a ‘burned-out’ state in their current employment
 D. Are coaches, counselors, teachers, social workers seeking a new effective paradigm to assist their clients

 E. Are regular people seeking their identity and a satisfying career
 F. Are people who want to enhance their experience in twelve step programs
 G. Want to enchant and inspire your matete

 H. Want to discover your passion
  I. Want to inspire and influence your children
 J. Express yourself in a more charismatic manner
 K. Want to become more influential
 L. Want to enhance creative abilities
 M, Want to lead a more satisfying life

Take control and plan for the future


We will help you realize your goals and provide you with a roadmap on how to reach them and accompish more.

Prioritize your time and relationships


Life can be stressful. We want to give you the advice and tools you need to maximize your personal and professionl relationships, and how to give yourself the time you deserve.